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Writing! Writing! Writing! Something I love doing but like most of us - I often get distracted. I say that because my mind is always overflowing with different thoughts and ideas. Whenever I grab my pen, pencil, or keyboard and decide to write something, after 3 or 5 pages I often get distracted by some other idea!! So much to think, so much to write, so much to communicate! 


I finally understand what it means to struggle with success XD!! But seriously, even while watching a movie with my parents I ask them so many questions related to things depicted that their experience of watching a movie has turned into crawling across a battlefield! So I thought instead of bombarding them will all my thoughts, how about I start a blog page where I can write about my critics and thoughts on different world phenomena, new technologies and concepts - a 5-6 minute expedition into my brain. That’s why I created ShaansKrit. In Sanskrit, "krit" or "krita" (कृत or कृत) is a term that means "done," "made," or "accomplished." Hence this blog is totally my creation from my views and experiences -You may agree, disagree, coach me, guide me but do not ignore me…I look forward to learning and keep working. Like I said, so much to share!

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© 2024 ShaanNair

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